Pregnancy and back pain

Causes of back pain during pregnancy  

First trimester

Hormonal changes
During the first trimester, progesterone levels in the body increase rapidly. High levels of this hormone help to relax the muscles and ligaments near the pelvis, which can affect the stability and alignment of the joints. Another hormone called relaxin by doctors helps the egg to implant in the lining of the uterus and also prevents contractions in the early stages of pregnancy. As work approaches, relaxin stimulates the cervix to soften and open for delivery. In addition, relaxin relaxes the ligaments and joints of the pelvic area so that the birth canal can expand during delivery. Finally, relaxin affects ligaments that stabilize the spine, which can cause instability, postural shift, and lower back pain.
Stress affects a person's mood or psychological state. Stress can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, stiffness and muscle aches.

Second and third trimester

During the second and third trimesters, the uterus continues to expand along with the rapid growth of the fetus. Postural changes, weight gain and muscle separation all contribute to back pain in the final stages of pregnancy.

The weight a person earns during pregnancy can contribute to lower back and joint pain. The amount of weight a woman puts on during pregnancy can affect the overall health of her baby. Most of this increase in weight is due to the physiological changes that take place in the body of the pregnant woman to prepare for the coming to the world of his baby:

• the increase in plasma volume (around 40 to 50%): this real reserve of precious blood in case of haemorrhage of the mother is also essential to the vascularization of the placenta
• The creation and significant development of the placenta, a true organ that allows the exchange of nutrients, oxygen and waste between the body of the mother and the baby to ensure the growth of the latter. Its weight increases as the baby grows
• Transformation of the uterus that softens and expands throughout pregnancy to accommodate the child
• increasing the volume of breasts that are preparing for possible breastfeeding
• the constitution of the amniotic fluid which is similar to a water bag whose volume varies from 500 ml to 1200 ml
• the retention of water which can be more or less important.

The recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy are as follows:
pregnant women of a baby    
If before pregnancy, you were ...   You will be able to win ...



Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting or picking up something on the floor • avoid lifting heavy objects
• move your feet when turning around to avoid twisting your back
• wear flat shoes to spread your weight
• try to balance the weight between 2 bags when you shop
• keep your back straight and well supported at work and at home - look for support pillows for motherhood
• get enough rest, especially later in pregnancy
• a massage or hot bath can help
• use a mattress that supports you properly - you can put a piece of hardboard under a soft mattress to make it firmer, if necessary
• attend an individual or group back care course
You can take paracetamol to relieve back pain during your pregnancy unless your doctor or midwife does not prohibit it. Always follow the instructions on the package.  


A simple and effective exercise: start on all fours (can position) with the knees under the hips, the hands under the shoulders, the fingers pointing forwards and the abdominal muscles raised to keep the back straight  
• pull in the muscles of your belly and lift your back to the ceiling, letting your head and buttocks relax gently - do not let your elbows get stuck
• hold for a few seconds then slowly return to the box position
• be careful not to dig your back - it should always return to the upright and neutral position
• do it slowly and rhythmically 10 times, working your muscles and moving your back with care
• only move your back as far as you can comfortably sleep on the side with a pillow between the legs and under the abdomen
. Use a hot compress to relax tense muscles or reduce inflammation
• make postural changes, such as standing up and sitting upright, so that the back is straight and the shoulders square
• wear a maternity belt for extra support of the abdomen and back
• use a lumbar pillow to strengthen the back while sitting
• Do prenatal massages to relax tense muscles, improve range of motion and relieve stress
• alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and chiropractic, with a practitioner specialized in pregnancy.

When to consult ?

 In case of back pain during your pregnancy? Even if you only have mild lumbar pain, it is important to inform your doctor. He or she can recommend the best methods to manage these symptoms and can then monitor you throughout your pregnancy to detect a worsening of symptoms. If your symptoms are severe, persistent or prolonged, call your doctor immediately. You must call your doctor and seek immediate medical attention if your back pain is accompanied by:

Numbness or weakness in the legs or perineum: Intense pain, numbness or weakness of the legs may be a sign of a condition called sciatica. Although sciatica is not common, its symptoms may resemble normal back pain. However, sciatica can cause more severe leg pain than back pain. You will probably feel it under the knee, in the foot and toes, with a tingling sensation, numbness or weakness. Call your doctor immediately if you feel weakness in one or both legs, or if you feel weakness in the legs, groin, bladder (loss of urine or loss of sensitivity of the perineum) or anus.
Fever and dull pain: A fever with dull pain in the lower back or sides of the back may be a sign of kidney or bladder infection or urinary tract problems. This would require immediate attention and antibiotic treatment. Call your doctor immediately if you experience back pain with painful urination, blood in the urine, chills, or fever.


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